09 October 2007- 11 October 2007
Beth, Audrey, Sandrine, Lizzie (Sandrine's French friend), Caroline, and Me (not pictured--picturing...)
For anyone who studied art or architecture, this city probably sounds a bit familiar. This is home of the Mezquita--a roman church turned Moorish mosque then again church. The deal with it is that it was kind of a sting to Christianity when the Moorish powers violently took Cordoba, gaining a strong foothold on southern Spain. there is an overhaul of Moorish influence, easily seen in the style of the Baroque Bell tower. yet it is has been revamped and restructured and incredibly well preserved-- to presently assume more of a conducive floor plan and design for Christian practices. Cordoba was a hub for conflict between the two religions during to Reconquest just before Elizabeth and Ferdinand and there is really so much history embedded in the story of the Mezquita. One of the most incredible things about it is that the story is actually visible in the structure of the building--you can see the clashing and merging of the two cultures.
The Baroque Bell Tower
At Night-from the other side of the river. I think Aladin lived here.
The Mezquita
Twisted Tree
A Flower in the Palace Gardens
Streets of Cordoba
Audrey in Green
Boys will be Boys
Christopher Columbus coming before Queen Elizabeth and King Ferdinand
These boots were made for walkin'... "Gramps" as I so affectionately call them, have seen their share of stompin' grounds.. they've been good to me; they deserve a shot out...
A band of boys, who for fun on the weekends, go around playing in various squares and plazas... they were really loving serenading"the ladies," they majority of whom were 14-year old starry-eyed espanolitas (little Spanish girls)
COrdoba was a great cultural center and a picturesque representation of Spanish history. Our group really didn't even do anything THAT wonderful or extravagant--as a matter of fact, Saturday night, we went out for falafel (a group favorite and requirement at least once a week) and then turned in to our hostal around 10:30... we just sat up laughing and being silly until about 3 am... just goes to show--not where you are or what you do, but really just who you are with. The more I travel, the more I am affirmed of my belief that it is not Westminster Abbey that makes London incredible, or the Collosium that you will always remember in Rome, but the people you can share those experiences with and look back one day and say, "Remember that? " And as incredible as these ancient structures and works of art are, they are stagnant and fixed, they can never REALLY interact with you. It is the connection you make with them that remains. Anyhow... the South of Spain is wonderful.... I still have pictures of Thanksgiving to put up, so be on the lookout--it was very special, so stay tuned! THanks again for reading! Love you all... In the dust...
you have an amazing life. i miss you so much but love reading about your exciting adventures. your fam came over last weekend to meet carson! can't wait to see you at christmas. TE AMO!!
ReplyDeleteHey, sweetie! Love the update! Let us hear about Thanskgiving & recent trip around the coastal region of Spain. And call yo mamma soon! Love to you, Mom