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- A History of God, Karen Armstrong
- A Man Called Blessed, Bill Bright and Ted Dekker
- A New Kind of Christian, Brian D. McLaren
- A People’s History of the United States, Howard Zinn
- A Short History of Nearly Everything, Bill Bryson
- A Survey of Israel's History, Leon Wood
- Alpha and Omega: The Search for the Beginning and End of the Universe, Charles Seife
- Atlas Shrugged, Ayn Rand
- Blessed Child, Bill Bright and Ted Dekker
- Christ and the Ceasars, Ethelbert Stauffer
- Christ, A Chrisis in the Life of God, Jack Miles
- Christianity and Rabbinic Judaism, Herschel Shanks
- Confessions, St. Augustine
- Constantine’s Sword, James Carroll
- Discovering Eve: Ancient Israelite Women in Context, Carol Meyers
- Does God Exist?, Hans Küng
- Essay Concerning Human Understanding, John Locke
- Euclid in the Rainforest, Joseph Mazur
- Existentialism is a Humanism, Jean-Paul Sartre
- Flatland, Edwin A. Abbott
- From Jesus to Christ, Paula Fredriksen
- God in Search of Man, Abraham Heschel
- God-A Biography, Jack Miles
- In Search of Paul, John Dominic Crossan and Jonathan L. Reed
- Israel: An Echo of Eternity, Abraham Heschel
- It’s Really All About God, Samir Selmanovic
- Jesus and the World of Judaism, Geza Vermes
- Jesus, David Flusser
- Jesus, The Jewish Theologiean, Brad Young
- Leviathan, Thomas Hobbes
- Life is a Miracle: An Essay against Modern Superstition, Wendell Berry
- Love Wins, Rob Bell
- Man is Not Alone, Abraham Heschel
- Mere Christianity, C.S. Lewis
- Mythology, Edith Hamilton
- Oriental Enlightenment: The Encounter Between Asian and Western Thought, J. J. Clarke
- Our Father Abraham, Marvin R. Wilson
- Pergamum Papers: A Story From the New Testament World, Lognecker
- Psychology and Religion: West and East: The Collected Works, C. G. Jung
- Pure Reason and the Question of God, Immanuel Kant
- Reading Derrida--Thinking Paul, Theodore Jennings Jr.
- Reason and Insight: Western and Eastern Perspectives on the Pursuit of Moral Wisdom, Timothy Shanahan and Robin Wang
- Roaring Lambs: A Gentle Plan to Radically Change Your World, Bob Briner
- Saint Paul: The Foundation of Universalism, Alain Badiou
- Sophie's World, Jostein Gaarder and Paulette Moller
- Special Topics in Calamity Physics, Marissa Pessl
- Sex God: the connection between spirituality and sexuality, Rob Bell
- The Beginning of Wisdom: Reading Genesis, Leon R. Kass
- The Birth of Christianity, John Dominic Crossan
- The Consolations of Philosophy, Alain de Botton
- The Existential Jesus, John Carroll
- The Geography of Thought : How Asians and Westerners Think Differently...and Why, Richard E. Nisbett
- The God Delusion, Richard Dawkins
- The God We Never Knew, Marcus Borg
- The Grand Design, Stephen Hawking and Leonard Mlodinow
- The Greco-Roman World of the New Testament Era, Jeffers
- The Insecurity of Freedom, Abraham Hescehl
- The Invention of Air, Steven Johnson
- The Jewish Reclamation of Jesus, Donal Hagner
- The Kingdom of God is Within You, Leo Tolstoy
- The Land, Walter Brueggemann
- The Last Word and the Word After That, Brian D. McLaren
- The Messiah Before Jesus, Israel Khol
- The Parables: Jewish Tradition and Christian Interpretation, Brad H. Young
- The Problem of Pure Consciousness: Mysticism and Philosophy, Robert K. C. Forman
- The Reason for God, Tim Keller
- The Religion of Jesus the Jew, Abraham Heschel
- The Secret Dowry of Eve: Woman's Role in the Development of Consciousness, Glynda-Lee Hoffmann and Joseph Chilton Pearce
- The Singularity is Near, Ray Kurzweil
- The Source, James Michenor
- The Story We Find Ourselves in, Brian D. McLaren
- The Works of Josephus, Translated by William Whiston
- To Change the World, James Davison Hunter
- Travels in the Scriptorium, Paul Auster
- Velvet Elvis, Rob Bell
- War and Peace, Leo Tolstoy
- What Would Jesus Deconstruct?, John Caputo
- Where God Was Born, Bruce Feiler
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