Love is here. God is Love. God is here.
Soooo... here we go with some updates from my latest international travels! (I am not gonna lie--it feels kinda cool saying that!) Well, this past weekend, I met up with a friend Kara and I met in London in Nice, France... the French Riviera is AMAZING... the water was so blue--quite a contrast to Murky Galveston, Texas! One night was the Rugby World Cup 3rd/4th place game and FRANCE was playing Argentina! We went to an Irish pub to watch the game--it was a real experience Eveyone singing and shouting!! France lost and played miserably, but it was still great! It was a real break from Spanish, and I got to be a stupid American tourist who couldn't speak the language rather trying so deperately to grasp the language and culture of Spain so I blend in. If anyone remembers Maslov's Heirarchy of Needs from high school sociology, you will recall that the bottom teir is survival for the basic needs. The premis is that you can't skip levels--you must acheive one level before you can worry about those above... well, I have been operating way down low in the Survival trapezoid... my brain remains in a constant state of deep fry... I am working so diligently and desperately just to communicate that I have not had as much time as I had anticipated to just relax and read and paint and play guitar... however, dia por dia (day by day) and poca a poca (little by little), I am improving. I sometimes think, "My goodness, shouldn't I be fluent by now?!?!" but then I just remind myself that this is a completely different language I am working to master! TIME TIME TIME! :)
So, anyhow, the French Riviera... it was so great because we didn't really do any touristy attractions, but really just hung out on the beach, walked around the less traveled areas, and people-watched, read, talked (in ONLY English!), and sat in silence. The silence was nice. I am living with 3 other girls, and there really isn't ever much silence to be heard in my piso, so the weekend really was just what I needed. I've got some pictures here.. well, I am gonna try to get them on here... there is one panarmic of the sunset and a boat is crossing the sun's rays over the ocean--this was from a lookout point, and it was absolutely one of the most incredible sunsets I have ever witnessed... the picture is beautiful and rich, but even the brilliant colors captured on film don't do a but of justice to the true masterpiece. That evening, God was just reaching out to me saying, "Brittney, I love you. " My friend Brendan (the one I was with) commented on how incredible it was that God can reach down at any time, through any medium, just to tell us how much He loves us. So, this has been my new challenge, find God's love in everything... it's been good so far.. this practice holds me steady in His presence and assures me of His power and beauty and love, which only gives me more reasons to love Him, praise Him, and stay even more constant in His gentle grasp. Anyhow, God's doing great things with me here... I am so thankful for this, but I don't want it to be all about me... I want to be used as well, so continue to pray that He uses me however he chooses here... love you all, and again, thanks for reading...!
A man fishing at sunset on the beach
The boys in the room with me at the hostel... it's rare, but they were really cool!
A completely unexpected surprise around a corner! One of the most incredibly monuments I have ever seen because it is so vast and grand and intricate, yet carved right out of the rock.. beautiful contrast...
Brendan and I looking out on a Nicean night. it's a totally different city after sunset, but somehow just as breathtaking!
Immitations of Andy Warhol
Note to Self: Don't take pictures trying to ascend stairs.
Cool colors of Love.
A surprise appearance by the King of Pop on the French Riviera Boardwalk... the best part-his face was painted white, and he was LOVING what he was doing...!
And this is Nice!
Told you it was blue! And, yeah-the beach isn't sand, but these perfectly beautiful smooth stones.. so much midrage there, but that is for another time!
Pensive Brendan afront Noche Rico de Niza (a rich night in Nice)
"I love you." -God
Hey, Boo-Boo! I love the pics...and especially the eye to your heart through your journaling on this blog. How precious you are to me! I love the "Color of Love" pic, and truly all of them! Thanks for taking the time to share your life through this medium. I love you with all my heart and soul, Mom
ReplyDeleteBrittney...a trip you will never forget. Beautiful words and pictures. You look so happy. Love you, Nannie and George
ReplyDeleteI love reading your blog. The pictures are gorgeous and I am so happy that you are having such an amazing time over there. I HAVE to see you at Christmas little one. Love you so much...are you using your travel thingy I got you? haha.
ReplyDeleteok you were doing good and now you're slacking! updation would be appreciated!