okay... 100 for 2008
1. I thought i would be this awesome lonesome traveler, but i really do like people.
2. I thought Spanish would be easy to learn, but God's given me a humble spirit--it's hard... but I am learning more everyday..
3. I am starting to really like blogs (writing, checking other people's, etc) and I kind of resent it.
4. I hate cell phones. Mine is broken and I kind of love it.
5. I can't believe how awesome my family is. It was beyond amazing to spend Christmas with them.
6. I am a pack rat and I hate it. I always try to be so diplomatic, but I always end up with more than I need.
7. I don't need as much as I want or think I need.
8. I really want to do something purposeful, but I am learning the most purposeful things are those I am doing right now.
9. I have a BEAUTIFUL sister with an INCREDIBLE voice, and sometimes I am a little jealous (in a not-so-bad way). :)
10. My parents are so in love and makes me so happy and believe in Love.
11. I love being single and young and free--as immature as that makes me, I am okay with it! :)
12. I sometimes feel bad for my mom because I know she wants grandchildren really bad, and she's got AUbs and I .. haha
13. I LOVE stationary and I buy cards all the time and store them for "that special occasion"!
14. I love playing the guitar, but I am not very good.
15. I love reading and have probably 60 lbs of books here with me in Spain. It's ridiculous, I know...
16. When I have been traveling, I have realized I would rather sit and talk with the people in the park or go to some random protest than visit the so-called "must-sees."
17. I was REALLY sad to leave home this time, maybe more than ever before.
18. Now that I am back in Spain, I am REALLY excited to be here, too!
19. I love flowers. Not bought--hand-picked...
20. I love the outdoors. Sports, walking, reading, talking... outside makes me happy...
21. I really don't like cold weather. I am just not very productive--all I want to do is nuzzle by my heater and read and drink hot tea...
22. I have a secret burning desire to act. I would probably suck, but i like thinking about the things those guys have to think about.
23. I love my friends, but I really don't let them know it--sorry, guys...
24. I want to be someone that people just like to be around like Dad, but I am just too prideful sometimes.
25. When I watched videos of me as a child, i realized i was a brat. My mom still calls me a turd.
26. My favorite movies are Pride and Prejudice and Ever After... I love strong, pure, intelligent women.. and the 18th century Romantic Movement
27. I love Philosophy. I don't really know very much compared to studied philosophers, but the thinking intrigues me...
28. One day I want to go to Everest base camp.
29. God makes himself known to me everyday--he takes my breath away and its amazing.
30. I sometimes cry. (Because I am happy or sad)
31. I miss my perfect puppy Bailey so much. I am scared she won't love me anymore when I come home.
32. I love shoes, and coats, and scarfs...
33. I would always rather be underdressed than overdressed.
34. I don't really get stressed too easily and i am glad because stressful people work me out, and i would hate to do that to myself.
35. I love taking pictures, but I really rather dislike being in them.
36. Grandma is precious and hard-working and humble. She makes me laugh when she talks about her "suiters"
37. Nannie is crazy awesome and has a ton of interesting stories. I also hear she's the most popular person in Treemont--get it, Nannie! :)
38. I love the idea of fixing up my own house in some small Tuscan village, but in reality, I also just love my family and feel most Me when I am with them.
39. I have a secret obsession (not so secret anymore) with the medical field and one day hope to at least be a W-EMT...
40. I love how God uses people who are completely unaware of it to accomplish His purposes... I hope one day they can look back and see His hand in their life...
41. I am sick of talking politics over here... i used to thrive on it.. I'm over it for the time being...
42. I am obsessed with the Planet Earth Series... We have a creative God.
43. Linares feels a bit like home now.
44. I love how proper my sister eats. it's cute.
45. I am so not proper, but I sometimes wish I could be more graceful.
46. I am a klutz. I have admitted it to the world. Accidents and non-functioning electronics are just attracted to me.
47. I still wonder what I will be "when I grow up!" There's a huge world out there and I just wanna do my part to make it a little better.
48. I wish I really gave of myself to people. Jesus did this so well, and I still hold so much back for me.
49. I am an introvert.
50. I LOVE to learn new things. I could sit at the feet of interesting people for hours as they lecture. Knowledge is so cool to me, even if I recognize it can be a bit pointless, too.
51. I start things I don't finish. I really hate that.
52. I really want to love God, but I am still learning how.
53. I am going sky-diving.
54. i sometimes do thing just because I am not supposed to or people think I won't. I am a secret, or blatant, rebel.
55. My rebellion is most ardently displayed in my passive refusal to wear my seat belt on airplanes; i just cross it across my lap instead of buckle it! :)
56. I am so proud of my little sister for being ballsy enough to move to New York at age 19 and survive. She's amazing.
57. I love my mom's cough--I sometimes hear it here in Spain and I miss her.
58. My Dad is the best man I know. He works harder than anyone I have ever seen in my life.
59. NIka's a turd and her bark scares me. It really does.
60. I wish I knew my Grandaddy John... I think we would have really gotten along.
61. I want to go to Israel. I love the Jewish heritage in our Christian faith.
62. I wish I could salsa.
63. I don't like TV. It hurts my eyes and makes me feel icky.
64. I have Euros, Pounds, and Dollars in my wallet right now. That's dumb.
65. I really want to work in the Peace Corps, but the two-year commitment really freaks me out.
66. I am non-commital. I wish I could change this, but I just enjoy flexibility, even if it is kind of flighty sometimes.
67. I don't expect much from people, so sometimes I forget other people do expect more and then I feel bad. I wish I could be better. I am gonna try.
68. I am sure I am pretty hypocritical. I have probably done all the things that bother me most. bummer.
69. My mom has become super tender and sensitive in the past few years and I am convinced it's the Holy Spirit consuming her. That's cool.
70. I said I sometimes don't finish things I start... this is one of those things. I am done. But thanks for reading!
And that was enough "I"s for the next month or so...! :) Feels weird to talk about myself that much. I am kind of exposed.
71. I don't like to feel exposed.
The end.