I am here!!!
Well, I have now been here in Spain for exactly ONE WEEK! It feels so unreal... I really do feel as though I have been here for so much longer than this--we have done SO much! I flew into London last Saturday adn we spent about 7 hours in London sight-seeing! It is incredible to stand in front of structures you have read about and referred to and seen in movies for you entire life! Big Ben, Westminster Abbey, the Buckingham Palace-- they really are all so intricate and phenomenal... i have never seen anything like it... Kara and I are now in Spain. She has an apartment right near the Plaza Mayor! The energy here is incredible. People are always out walking around and just being together and around other people. I would definitely say that I have learned more Spainsh being here for just one week than I have in any formal stuying I have ever done! I love the language and the people so much already!
Last night was ¨Noche de Blanca¨in Madrid--White Night... From 8 at night until 8 the following morning, the entire city is awake walking through town and seeing different art exhibits that have been set up in the vaults of banks, paintings being done on giant canvasas suspended from celestial buildings and live music with are shows and so many incredible and creative art displays with lights and such. I have not been able to upload pictures yet, but as soon as I do, I will let you see this eventful night!
Last Thursday, Kara and I took a train to Linares, Andalucia, which is where I will be teaching. I saw my apartment, met the staff and some of the students.. I am think I am going to love it there! The life here in Madrid is so diverting, but I think I will appreciate the rich culture and slower pace of Linares! I begin work there October 3rd, so be praying for me!
Well, I certainly dont think most of these posts will be this long, I will try to shorten them a bit from now on, but so much has happened! Thanks for checking in with me! OH- one more thing.. I know my address now-- if you are interested or want it, I am not going to post it, but you can definitely email me or my Mom for it! Love you all! Thanks, *britt